Kavanagh (Strawberry Beds, Dublin 20 and formerly of Pearse Street, Dublin 2 and Bettystown, Co. Meath) November 11th., 2023 (peacefully) surrounded by his family and in the loving care of the staff at Beaumont Hospital, Edward (Ned) in his 94th year, beloved husband of Alice and dear father of Marie, Jacqueline and Deirdre and a devoted grandfather of Seán, Graham and Jennifer; sadly missed by his loving family, great-grandchildren Kaylum, Adam, Tristan, Olivia and Isabella, son-in-law Fintan, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
May he rest in peace.
Reposing at Cunningham’s Funeral Home, Clonsilla on Wednesday evening (November 15th) between 6 pm and 8 pm. Removal on Thursday morning (November 16th) to St Mochta’s Church, Porterstown arriving for Funeral Mass at 10 am followed by cremation in Glasnevin Crematorium.
Edward’s funeral mass may be viewed (live only) by following this LINK.
Messages of sympathy and condolences for the family may be left by selecting Book of Condolences over.
Family flowers only, please, donations if desired to Irish Caner Society www.cancer.ie
Funeral Information
The Family would appreciate if you could leave a message to be put into a book of condolences for the family.